Nearly 35 million people get their water from systems that reported high levels of PFAS in at least one test last year.
Radon is a cancer-causing gas linked to 250 new lung cancers each year. The EPA is launching new radon maps which predict as many as 170,000 homes are now at risk. That is up from 45,000 homes in ...
Radon is a dangerous carcinogen ... and homes with pets are likelier to have dander. You can use the EPA’s AirNow map to determine the air quality in your local community.
In Utah, thousands of people have died from radon-induced lung cancer, and Dr. Akerley wants to make sure all Utahns ...
Since 1989 the EPA has required phosphogypsum to be stored in mountainous piles called “stacks,” and limited the amount of radon gas that can be emitted from the stacks. If dispersed, the material ...
Recommended Videos Radon is the No. 1 cause of lung cancer among individuals who do not smoke and testing for it is simple and inexpensive. Since January is Radon Action Month, the Health ...
When [Chris Nafis] built an addition onto his historical home he found that a Radon problem, previously mitigated with plenty of concrete, seemed to rear its ugly head yet again. He eventually ...
One source of information is the map maintained ... issue. Radon—a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can get into water from soil—can be a problem in some places, so the EPA recommends ...
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and despite Utah’s low smoking rates, lung cancer is more prevalent than many residents are aware of.
Research has also shown a correlation between radon exposure and stroke, heart attack, and leukemia. According to the EPA, it’s responsible for over 21,000 deaths annually and it’s the #1 ...
In this case, the effects of environmental hazards may not be immediately apparent. Exposure to radon, for example, can lead to lung cancer, but it may be years before that happens. With building ...