Dental enamel suggests our extinct cousins experienced longer periods of stress during childhood.
The area in which Neanderthals and Homo sapiens interbred has been identified, with an international team of researchers ...
A small team of archaeologists, two from Germany, one from Denmark and another from Iran, has identified a potential region ...
Julien Benoit, the paper’s author, explains to Popular Science that the painting is thus doubly significant: “First for the ...
INFOGRAPHIE - Une équipe internationale a identifié au Maroc les plus vieux ossements d'Homo sapiens ... internationale confirme que les peintures du site ardéchois datent d'il y a environ ...
Le canton d’Aurignac fêtera largement les journées européennes du Patrimoine ce week-end. Tour d’horizon - non exhaustif - ...
While it is generally accepted that the forerunner to Homo sapiens - Homo erectus - left Africa about 1.5 million years ago to populate other parts of the world, there are two main theories about ...
Neanderthal genes have been linked with our immune systems and COVID-19 response, while Denisovan genes may help adapt to high altitudes. This ancient teenager is the first known person with ...
This is embodied in the so-called March of Progress illustration where a stooping chimp-like creature gradually morphs into Homo sapiens, apparently the apex of evolution. These days, we know ...
Neanderthals evolved in Europe and Asia while modern humans - our species, Homo sapiens - were evolving in Africa. Judging from fossil evidence from Sima de los Huesos in northern Spain and Swanscombe ...
Our Human Evolution gallery explores the origins of Homo sapiens, tracing our lineage since it split from that of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzee and the bonobo. Gallery developer Jenny ...
l'essentiel Inaugurée mercredi 10 juillet, l’exposition "Le Musée de l’Homo Sapiens" de l’artiste TTY s’achèvera le 22 septembre prochain au Carmel. L’occasion de (re) découvrir une ...