In 1953, the first high-speed printer was developed by Remington-Rand for use on the Univac computer. In 1938, Chestor Carlson invented a dry printing process called electrophotography commonly ...
The networking platform that ships with virtually every modern computer was born at Xerox PARC around 1973. Ethernet was a groundbreaking technology that revolutionized computer networking.
Don't Miss: This soldier said he hadn't slept a wink since being shot 40 years earlier The post Scientists invented a ...
long before most of the technologies necessary to build it were even invented. That design was the Dynabook, and its author was computer scientist Alan Kay. Its intended audience was children.
Whether they are already household names or a hidden figure deserving of more recognition (and an uplifting biopic), the ...
As it turns out, the man who invented the computer password back in the early 1960s agrees. In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, 87-year-old Fernando Corbato said that the password ...
A Baghdadi churro, a Portuguese sushi recipe, and chicken tikka masala? That's a heated debate. Unravel the tangled origins ...
Not exactly a household name, but as [IEEE Spectrum] points out, he invented a chess automaton ... which appeared to be a chess computer but was really a guy hiding inside a fake chess computer.
The judge overseeing a legal battle about who invented Bitcoin has ruled that it is not Australian computer scientist Craig Wright. The question had been examined in a five week trial at the High ...
The original card invented by Mr Goodfellow was credit card sized and resembled a computer punch-card However, it is Mr Goodfellow's plastic card and PIN which became the forerunner of the system ...
Walter Kortschak, who made his fortune from 40 years of technology bets, opens up about his investing failures and ...
It is widely agreed, for instance, that William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented the first transistor in 1947. Such inventions and discoveries were based on research conducted ...