If someone calls your tastes 'bourgeois,' should you thank them or shake a fist? You might have to check first with Moliere, ...
In this article, Pannekoek talks about the seemingly unexplainable switch to the defense of imperialism by some left-radical Social Democrats and provides the reader with an explanation of it based on ...
This is a translated (by me) article from Pannekoek in which he talks about workers' democracy and its incompatibility with ...
In this scenario, the two main antagonist of modern capitalist society, i.e. the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, directly confronted each other, face to face. However, this stand-off in electoral ...
Instead of allowing the Right to dominate discussions of patriotism, socialists should emulate past successful left projects ...
A collection of essays by Michel Löwy on Rosa Luxemburg, drawn from writing over many decades, provokes stimulating debates, ...
Indifference was the world’s first reaction to Karl Marx’s magnum opus. In 1867, when the first volume of “Capital” was ...
After dwelling exhaustively and incisively on the politics of WS as depicted through his literary works, Professor Tunde ...
(The Text below is excerpted from Party-Political Peasant-Central Discourse in the Day of the Ukrainian Revolution 1917–1921: Ideological Types and Mobilization Possibilites. do ...
Great news, fellow patriots. I've found another thing Democratic presidential candidate Comrade Kamala Harris is bad at: ...