The new Seattle Transportation Levy was crafted with input from a broad coalition, including our organizations: ...
Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee and leaders from URI and Rhode Island College are calling on residents to vote “Yes” on a ...
Prop. 4 is a $10 billion bond to invest in clean air and water, solutions to extreme heat, wildfire readiness and ...
Many of Minnesota’s best-known conservation groups are backing the measure to renew the state’s Environment and Natural ...
This measure is a great first step to eliminating extremism poisoning public discourse. Voters on all sides should vote yes.
A residential street in Bayside was closed on Monday evening to accommodate the substantial crowd of residents who showed up ...
Groups launching text banking, post-card writing and billboards favoring no-excuse absentee voting referendum in Connecticut.
Authorities estimate incest occurs in over 10 percent of American families, yet only 20 percent of those offenses are ...
Charleston County residents will vote on a transportation sales tax referendum, that would cost taxpayers $5.4 billion over ...
Mount Pleasant resident Natalie Verdetto writes that a "yes" vote in the Charleston County half-cent sales tax referendum ...
Former President Donald Trump said he plans to vote yes on a ballot measure in Florida to legalize marijuana, his clearest ...
There is a moment early in every policymaker’s career where when tackling a problem, you arrive at a neat and elegant solution, brilliant in its simplicity and devoid of unintended consequences. Not ...