New Yorkers have the opportunity to stand up against discrimination and for equality and abortion rights. We must seize the ...
I don’t know how any of you are going to vote, but I am voting for water. Yes water, the kind you drink, shower with, water your lawn with and flush your toilet with. You know that clear refreshing ...
The Electoral College is a group of people chosen by each state who formally elect the President and Vice President of the ...
"Winner take all is a passionate issue for all Nebraskans. Sen. McDonnell has heard compelling arguments from both sides, and as of today, remains a 'no,'" a spokesperson said Thursday after attempts ...
Are you wondering why the “Vote Yes for Fire” signs have suddenly shown up and it isn’t on the ballot until Nov. 5th? I would be wondering too, if my awareness of the District 3 Fire situation had not ...
A residential street in Bayside was closed on Monday evening to accommodate the substantial crowd of residents who showed up ...
This measure is a great first step to eliminating extremism poisoning public discourse. Voters on all sides should vote yes.
"As City of Yes makes its way through public review, we’ve heard lots of questions and some unfortunate misinformation about ...
Dirt looks at how City of Yes is affecting projects, as some developers wait to see how the proposal will improve their ...
It is a slick sleight of hand doomed to fail, because people will believe their “lying eyes.” For tens of millions of voters, ...
Groups launching text banking, post-card writing and billboards favoring no-excuse absentee voting referendum in Connecticut.